Batwoman and Homosexuality in Batcomics.
(too old to reply)
2010-09-23 17:17:24 UTC
First off let me say that I know this topic may not interest everyone.
if its not of interest, simply dont read this topic.

I begin with the new Batwoman Kate Kane. who has been reviled as a lesbian.
Greg Rucka is mainly responsible for her creation. (he had previously told
Rene Montia's coming out story in Gotham Central).
Since I am a gay person it is of interest to me to have a charture I feel I
can relate to on one leval or a charture I can feel akin to. Just as Im
interested in Northstar, Appollo and Midnighter (of the Authority), and
Ulimatie Colossus.
It is however interesting (to me at least) the tangled web of gay issues and
Batman comics and the long journey they have now come to.

First off there has been a long history of Homosexual interpratations or
readings of Batman. not nessearily justified readings but some have taken that
view for a long time now. some have said that most comic book chartures have a
underlining gay inuendo. (now let me state this is not what Im saying or
belive its just what Im repeating). Point is there have been some that have
taken the Batman and Robin relaitonship and interprated it as a gay
relationship. one of the early views of this is taken by Fredric Wertham in
his book Seduction of the Innocent. His claim was that, "The Batman type of
story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which
they may be unconscious." He said further, "Only someone ignorant of the
fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psycholpathology of sex can fail to
realize a subtle atmosphere of homoerotisism which pervades the adventures of
the mature 'Batman' and his young friend 'Robin." Now it is important to
remeamber that this was a view taken in 1954. this was a time period when
comic book creaters were really coming under fire. it is when the Comics Code
Authority was born. when they complained about the level of horror, violence,
crime, and sexual innuendo in comics. this was a time when comic book creators
were accused of 'corrupting' children and turning them into juvinals. this was
a time when comic creators were made to feel like child pornographers.
thankfuly over time cooler heads prevailed. but it took a long time to do so.
for one, in relation to this topic, there has been a long ban against gay
chartures in comics. it took years before such chartures as Mystic could
openly come out as bisexual. Northstar is one of the early comic book
chartures to come out as gay but some writters mucked around with that
statment and denied it.

what does this all have to do with Batman?
well first off, again, Batman was accused of being too violent and there was
the homosexual interprataiton of his realitonship with Robin. this was a time
when Batman became a much lighter charture. In this time period Batman would
have more fun filled adventures, he would go into outerspace, he would go back
in time, he would meet Bat-mite, he got himself a dog in the form of Ace (who
looked alot like Rin Tin Tin), he even got a Bat Ape named Mogo (I kid you
not), and there was alot more he did in this time period. This is the period
of Batman that lasted up until Julius Schwartz took over the Batcomics. It is
this period (and the early Schwartz edited stories) that the Adam West Batman
TV series made fun of and lampooned. The Batman of the Fifties was a much
lighter charture then his early days and modern interpration.

What was the solution to nix the homosexual inuendos of Batman?
Enter the first Batwoman. Katherin Kane by name. A circus performer who is
inspired by Batman and becomes a herion in her own right. She was Batwoman.
Fighting crime and she did it all in insperiation of Batman. She was
essentially created also as a love interest. Which is also why the first
Batgirl was created. Bettie Kane was Katherin's nice and she became her
partner. Bettie however only seemed to be more interested in hooking up with
Robin. She made only eleven, count them eleven, appearances. All though Barbra
Gordon would prove to be the ultimate female bat companion, Batwoman and
Bettie still came first. (Interestingly in terms of 'look' Alisia
Silverstone's Batgirl in Batman and Robin reminds me more of Bettie more then
it does of Barbara so much so I felt that they should have not even bothered
in calling her Barbra.) The point is these two female chartures were created
to dispell any suggestions that Batman and Robin were gay. How could they be
if they are romanticly invovled with Batwoman and Bettie.

This was the first effort to dampen the 'gay inuendo'. In the 60's however
everything changed. Juilius Schwartz came along and everything changed.
Batwoman and Bettie were gone without a trace. Out went Batmite, Ace, and so
much more. They were all gone without explination. Bettie wasnt seen until her
charture was revamped into Falmebird. Batwoman made a few appearences in Earth
2 stories, Batman Family, and making her final appearnce in a comic in which
she had retired but is killed by an assaisain. (I well remeamber the image of
Batman walking in and finding her dead body, where she is grasping he old
uniform). Schwartz brought in a new area for Batman. He wanted more serious
stories (which was put on hold because of the TV series). In came the new
Batman costume, the new Batmobile, the Red Phone, and alot more. Things had
changed but the 'fears' of homosexual innuendo remained.

It began with a woman's group who had written in a letter complaining about
three men, Wayne, Grayson, and Alfred, living alone together and the
homosexual inuendo of this situation. (A ludicris statment I find, I would
think that Alfred would be the chaperon and Grayson more of a son then a
boytoy but I digress). Still the implication they had made was these three men
alone were unchaperoned and liveing a gay life. The answer to this 'probleam'?
Kill off one of the men. Thus in Decetive Comics issue # 328 Alfred met his
fate. He was trying to save both Batman and Robin from a gang of bikers and so
he sacrificed himself. He was for all intense and purposes dead. (On a side
note it is this very issue that made my father stop reading Batman Comics.
mainly because he liked Alfred). So out went Alfred and in came Aunt Harriet.
the intention would be that this female would keep a nice 'tidey' and 'clean'
household. in the comics Harriet only appeared a few times. there are a few
occaions that she came very close to finding out the secret identities of
Batman. She even finds the secret entrance to the batcave in one issue. Time
and time again she was, however, put off the sent. I never found her comic
book charture rather uninteresting, and unimportant. I only really liked her
in the TV series but then thats because she was played by Madge Blake (who
sadly could not appear later on because of her failing health). However, the
point remained that Harriet was intended to keep thing less 'gay' around the
Bathouse. Even when Alfred was resserected (this long before Superman would
cheat death). Because the TV series was going to have Alfred in the cast line
up it was decided to bring back the charture in comics. Thus came about the
more convoluted of resserection stories. It was reveiled that Alfred was
'saved' and he was restored to life by a scientist. Oh and he was also the
Outsider by the by, but that's another story. So for a time there were three
men and one woman who still 'kept house'.

Over time these gay implicaitons would fade away. The suggestions would be
made off and on. The only real prominince of the issue came about in past
movies. That is the Joel Schumacher movies. First off let me state that
Schumacher is an openly gay director so its not surpising to me that he has a
movie that deals with gay friendly issues in some manner or forme. His Batman
movies were more overt in this vain. Unlike other movies where it is more
subtle. Lost Boys is a good example. There are subtle hints and implicaitons
that Corey Haim's charture could be gay. There are the two posters of half
naked men on his wall, there is the way he dressed, and there is even the fact
that he is taking a bubble bath. This isn't as overt or over the top as say
Batnipples and so forth. Its just a tiny little thing that suggects but dosent
spell out that the charture could be gay. Of the Schumacher Bat films I have
to say that Batman Forever is the better of the two. It has better action,
story elements, and some good actors. Only the villains let the side down.
Here the innuendo is only breif. Its mainly the costume scean before the final
battle. the close up on the 'bat butt' and the close up on Robin's costume.
There is even the way Batman checks out Robin's costume. (You can practicly
tell he's thinking 'He looks hot'.) All in all this movie keeps the innuendo
at a minimum. Batman and Robin is another story. A large part of this has to
do with directer suposdily unhappy that he cant make a movie he wanted to.
suposidly the production company wanted a more aciton oriented, toy selling,
and kid friendly movie. one that led up to a franchise. Typical money making
hollywood crude. What they go was a over the top, bad acting, and less then
perfect Bat movie. (Resulting in a period of waiting until the fantastic Nolan
movies). Because of what was happening Schumacher just didnt care. So up went
the campy factors and innendos. In went more bat nipples, cod pieces, and butt
shots. If I watch this movie its only for (very) light entertainment. I do
like Chris ODonnal's Robin, and (to an extent) Therman's Ivy. Mr Freeze of
course was horrible (worst Arnold lines EVER). Batgirl was a dissapointment,
one part was because she didnt resemble the charture, but there is also the
factor that Silverstone had gained some weight. (Again for me in appearence
she looks more like Bettie then Barbra. Remeamber Bettie Kane was also a
blond). All in all this was a movie that played up the campy factor and the
gay innuendos. It also put people off Batman for a long time.

Years went by and things changed. For the beter I feel.
First there came Gotham Central and the revolation that Rene Montoa was gay.
Some may not have liked this story line but I enjoyed it. What was most sad
was that her parents didnt accept her. they said 'she was dead to them' that
she would go to 'the bad place', and so on. Through it all, however, Montioa
remained a strong charture. I rather enjoyed her charture. Admitedly Im not
sure how I feel about her being the new Question, but still I liked her early

Now we have taken a full turn. Now in an age when comics have really branched
out and become open. The creaters and writters realise that they have a much
wider reading audience. Thus much wider chartures and storylines are
intrdouced. Not everyone may like these storys but there are some that feel
very glad of these stories.For me I feel glad that comics are excepting the
gay readership and have some good strong gay chartures.

Enter the New Batwoman.
She's tuff, no nonsese, and a match for anyone she faces. She first entered
the scean in 52. Her full story was told later on. I refer to the Batwoman
Elergy storyline and the back up orgin story. Here I liked that she was a
military officer, she quit because of her sexuality. She tells her father of
this and he tells her how proude he is of her. Unlike Montia's family he is
far more understanding and accepting of her (which I liked). Kate Kane is an
interesting charture and I very much like her as Batwoman. Elergy was a good
storyline. I really hope we will be seeing more of her. She has made a few
cameo appearances but I liked the Elergy storyline.

The point is that I feel its strangley ironic how things turned out. That
fears of homosexual innuendo were unjustified but still played a large part in
the shapeing of Batman comics. That some people were to uptight about gay
people in general (but thats nothing new). I feel it was silly how some people
acted in the past. With the comics codes, Seduciton of the innocent, and
various wild claims. Things that were totaly unjustfied. I feel it is a shame
that Gays were so long 'banned' from comics. That there were so few chartures
that could be out. (The tangled story of Northstar is a prefect exaple of
this). I feel that things have changed a git. That now at last we have comics
that are more open and accepting of a wide veriaty of people. Be they black,
white, gay, straight, bi, or whatever. I feel that now we can have comics that
can speak to different audiances and be open towards them. We have come a long
way and there is still a long way to go. There are some who may not be all too
happy with the inclusion of Gays in the comic book meidam for example. The
more open minded and levil heads have so far prevailed, and I am glad of that.

So in conclusion I am glad of the ways have turned out for the better, and Im
glad of the more open view. That now we can have a member of the Bat family
who is gay, and open about it.
So all in all I am glad of what happened and I very much enjoy the new
Batwoman. Again I hope we see more of her.

Thats all I have to say for now. The End.
plausible prose man
2010-09-23 22:26:20 UTC
First off let me say that I know this topic may not interest everyone.
if its not of interest, simply dont read this topic.
What was the solution to nix the homosexual inuendos of Batman?
Enter the first Batwoman. Katherin Kane by name. A circus performer who is
inspired by Batman and becomes a herion in her own right. She was Batwoman.
Fighting crime and she did it all in insperiation of Batman. She was
essentially created also as a love interest. Which is also why the first
Batgirl was created. Bettie Kane was Katherin's nice and she became her
partner. Bettie however only seemed to be more interested in hooking up with
Robin. She made only eleven, count them eleven, appearances. All though Barbra
Gordon would prove to be the ultimate female bat companion, Batwoman and
Bettie still came first. (Interestingly in terms of 'look' Alisia
Silverstone's Batgirl in Batman and Robin reminds me more of Bettie more then
it does of Barbara so much so I felt that they should have not even bothered
in calling her Barbra.)  The point is these two female chartures were created
to dispell any suggestions that Batman and Robin were gay.
And yet, ironically, their appearance made the strip ten times
How could they be
if they are romanticly invovled with Batwoman and Bettie.
Because every time the girls wanted to, you know, kiss and stuff,
Bruce and Dick would blush and stammer and spurn their advances and
announce there was only room for one lady in their lives, and that
lady's name was...JUSTICE!
This was the first effort to dampen the 'gay inuendo'. I
Plus, she fought crime with lipstick, perfume, and hairnets, and the
whole thing came across like John Waters was in charge.
n the 60's however
everything changed. Juilius Schwartz came along and everything changed.
Batwoman and Bettie were gone without a trace. Out went Batmite, Ace, and so
much more. They were all gone without explination. Bettie wasnt seen until her
charture was revamped into Falmebird.
Not quite, she did appear a few times in the mid-to-late seventies as
a Teen Titan.

(I'm snipping things I mostly agree with, or let's say don't
Now we have taken a full turn. Now in an age when comics have really branched
out and become open. The creaters and writters realise that they have a much
wider reading audience. Thus much wider chartures and storylines are
intrdouced. Not everyone may like these storys but there are some that feel
very glad of these stories.For me I feel glad that comics are excepting the
gay readership and have some good strong gay chartures.
Enter the New Batwoman.
She's tuff, no nonsese, and a match for anyone she faces. She first entered
the scean in 52. Her full story was told later on. I refer to the Batwoman
Elergy storyline and the back up orgin story. Here I liked that she was a
military officer, she quit because of her sexuality. She tells her father of
this and he tells her how proude he is of her. Unlike Montia's family he is
far more understanding and accepting of her (which I liked). Kate Kane is an
interesting charture and I very much like her as Batwoman. Elergy was a good
storyline. I really hope we will be seeing more of her. She has made a few
cameo appearances but I liked the Elergy storyline.
The point is that I feel its strangley ironic how things turned out.
Yeah, that introducing Kathy and Bettie made the strip gayer than
ever, and introducing the lesbian batwoman makes the comics seem more
heterosexual, since what straight man doesn't like watching girls make
Will Dockery
2010-09-23 22:45:19 UTC
Since I am a gay person it is of interest to me to have a charture I feel I
can relate to on one leval or a charture I can feel akin to.  Just as Im
interested in Northstar, Appollo and Midnighter (of the Authority), and
Ulimatie Colossus.
You should check out Marvelman, if Marvel allows Gaiman to finish his
story... Marvelman hitting on Young Marvelman, and YM's violently
negative reaction to it. It was all Miraclewoman's fault, apparently:


I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't written out of the continuity
when and if Marvel gets around to it, though...

Music & poetry of Will Dockery:
2010-09-23 23:01:23 UTC
First off let me say that I know this topic may not interest everyone.
if its not of interest, simply dont read this topic.
I don't understand... why the fake spelling mistakes?

= DUG.
Will Dockery
2010-09-23 23:49:44 UTC
Post by Duggy
First off let me say that I know this topic may not interest everyone.
if its not of interest, simply dont read this topic.
I don't understand... why the fake spelling mistakes?
I was wondering about those, myself... you think they really are
"fake" mistakes?

Music & poetry of Will Dockery:
Post by Duggy
= DUG.
2010-09-24 00:32:00 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
I was wondering about those, myself... you think they really are
"fake" mistakes?
Yeah. They don't have the feel of real mistakes.

= DUG.
2010-09-26 03:32:22 UTC
On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:32:00 -0700 (PDT), Duggy
Post by Duggy
Post by Will Dockery
I was wondering about those, myself... you think they really are
"fake" mistakes?
Yeah. They don't have the feel of real mistakes.
Possibly to hide the identity of the writer. I once spotted a
detractor by his sentence structure then verified by checking the
provider and really old news reader version in the headers. Maybe the
OP is trying to be anonymous.
Jason Todd
2010-09-24 20:04:53 UTC
I feel it is a shame
that Gays were so long 'banned' from comics. That there were so few chartures
that could be out. (The tangled story of Northstar is a prefect exaple of
this). I feel that things have changed a git.
I don't know if it's a case of being "banned" as much as comic book
creators saying "how do I write about this in a book for kids"? in the
age of the Comic Code Authority.

Witness the hysteria over the Spider-Man "drug issues"

That now at last we have comics
that are more open and accepting of a wide veriaty of people. Be they black,
white, gay, straight, bi, or whatever.
And the fact that -- for better or for worse -- comics don't sell like
they used to and therefore aren't attracting nearly as much attention
as they once did.

Jason Todd
2010-09-24 20:45:29 UTC
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:04:53 -0700 (PDT), Jason Todd
I feel it is a shame
that Gays were so long 'banned' from comics. That there were so few chartures
that could be out. (The tangled story of Northstar is a prefect exaple of
this). I feel that things have changed a git.
I don't know if it's a case of being "banned" as much as comic book
creators saying "how do I write about this in a book for kids"? in the
age of the Comic Code Authority.
Witness the hysteria over the Spider-Man "drug issues"
I still say that hysteria was mainly due to Harry Osborn's corn rows.
That now at last we have comics
that are more open and accepting of a wide veriaty of people. Be they black,
white, gay, straight, bi, or whatever.
And the fact that -- for better or for worse -- comics don't sell like
they used to and therefore aren't attracting nearly as much attention
as they once did.
Jason Todd
2010-09-24 21:44:30 UTC
You can read anything you want into it. Charles Manson thought the
Beatles were sending him messages on an upcoming race war. Its in the
eye of the beholder. You can read something into almost anything, even
more so if you have an agenda. There's no scientific formula. I guess
at some point it becomes deliberate rather than coincidental, but who
can say at what point that really happens except for the writer?
Will Dockery
2010-09-24 22:13:17 UTC
  I feel it is a shame
that Gays were so long 'banned' from comics. That there were so few chartures
that could be out. (The tangled story of Northstar is a prefect exaple of
this). I feel that things have changed a git.
I don't know if it's a case of being "banned" as much as comic book
creators saying "how do I write about this in a book for kids"? in the
age of the Comic Code Authority.
Witness the hysteria over the Spider-Man "drug issues"
That now at last we have comics
that are more open and accepting of a wide veriaty of people. Be they black,
white, gay, straight, bi, or whatever.
And the fact that -- for better or for worse -- comics don't sell like
they used to and therefore aren't attracting nearly as much attention
as they once did.
Jason Todd
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?

Music & poetry of Will Dockery:
2010-09-25 16:44:43 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?
If so, nobody told Zimmerman. While there's no point where he actually
says "I really like to bang guys", there's no other way to read the
latest mini other than that he's still quite staggeringly gay. He's a
two-fisted gunslinger still, no question; in every other way, though,
he's the most mincingly insulting effete gay stereotype imaginable. I'm
straight and have never been known for any particular good will (or ill,
for that matter) for the gay community, and even I was offended by the
overload of swish. (Other than that, it's quite a good story.)
------------------- ------------------------------------------------
|| E-mail: ykw2006 ||"The mystery of government is not how Washington||
|| -at-gmail-dot-com ||works but how to make it stop." -- P.J. O'Rourke||
|| ----------- || ------------------------------------ ||
||Replace "-at-" with|| Keeping Usenet Trouble-Free ||
|| "@" to respond. || Since 1998 ||
------------------- ------------------------------------------------
"It's not that I want to punish your success. [...]I think
when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

-- The One, 14 Oct 08
Tim Turnip
2010-09-26 11:43:43 UTC
Post by YKW
Post by Will Dockery
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?
If so, nobody told Zimmerman.
Indeed, Zimmerman is who wrote the original 2003 "Slap Leather" mini
which first purported the Kid's gayness. He writes him exactly the
same way in the current mini.

The inherent contradiction at the heart of Marvel's Rawhide Kid
problem is that the Kid, while gay, is never able to be shown actually
being gay, of course, so all that's left is the pile of misbegotten
stereotypes. Under Zimmerman, the Kid suddenly has biting fashion
sense, is super-articulate and has a droll Wildean wit. But that is
basically all there is to the character.
Post by YKW
(Other than that, it's quite a good story.)
Agreed, I'm enjoying the big team-up aspect of it, with Rawhide and
six other major Marvel western good guys rounded up into the
"Sensational Seven"... at least they didn't call themselves the
Western Avengers.
Will Dockery
2010-09-26 13:34:21 UTC
Post by Tim Turnip
Will Dockery wrote in news:4ff59783-fd90-492b-
Post by Will Dockery
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?
If so, nobody told Zimmerman.
Indeed, Zimmerman is who wrote the original 2003 "Slap Leather" mini
which first purported the Kid's gayness.  He writes him exactly the
same way in the current mini.
The inherent contradiction at the heart of Marvel's Rawhide Kid
problem is that the Kid, while gay, is never able to be shown actually
being gay, of course, so all that's left is the pile of misbegotten
stereotypes.  Under Zimmerman, the Kid suddenly has biting fashion
sense, is super-articulate and has a droll Wildean wit.  But that is
basically all there is to the character.
(Other than that, it's quite a good story.)
Agreed, I'm enjoying the big team-up aspect of it, with Rawhide and
six other major Marvel western good guys rounded up into the
"Sensational Seven"... at least they didn't call themselves the
Western Avengers.
Hmmm... now that sounds like an interesting trip, as I read all those
Marvel reprints of Westerns back around 1970, and is Severin involved
again, I believe?

"Shadowville Speedway" CD on Artemis Records:
2010-09-26 15:17:50 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Hmmm... now that sounds like an interesting trip, as I read all those
Marvel reprints of Westerns back around 1970, and is Severin involved
again, I believe?
Chaykin, this time, so thoroughly enjoyable in wholly different ways.
------------------- ------------------------------------------------
|| E-mail: ykw2006 ||"The mystery of government is not how Washington||
|| -at-gmail-dot-com ||works but how to make it stop." -- P.J. O'Rourke||
|| ----------- || ------------------------------------ ||
||Replace "-at-" with|| Keeping Usenet Trouble-Free ||
|| "@" to respond. || Since 1998 ||
------------------- ------------------------------------------------
"It's not that I want to punish your success. [...]I think
when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

-- The One, 14 Oct 08
Will Dockery
2010-09-26 17:28:14 UTC
Will Dockery wrote in news:5ff13f76-8fa4-475a-
Post by Will Dockery
Hmmm... now that sounds like an interesting trip, as I read all those
Marvel reprints of Westerns back around 1970, and is Severin involved
again, I believe?
Chaykin, this time, so thoroughly enjoyable in wholly different ways.
Ah... sounds good.

Flying Saucer Mechanic / B. Vaughan, B. Fowler & W. Dockery
  -------------------  ------------------------------------------------
||  E-mail: ykw2006  ||"The mystery of government is not how Washington||
|| -at-gmail-dot-com ||works but how to make it stop." -- P.J. O'Rourke||
||    -----------    ||      ------------------------------------      ||
||Replace "-at-" with||          Keeping Usenet Trouble-Free           ||
  -------------------  ------------------------------------------------
       "It's not that I want to punish your success. [...]I think
      when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
                         -- The One, 14 Oct 08
Will Dockery
2010-09-26 13:30:30 UTC
Will Dockery wrote in news:4ff59783-fd90-492b-
Post by Will Dockery
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?
If so, nobody told Zimmerman. While there's no point where he actually
says "I really like to bang guys", there's no other way to read the
latest mini other than that he's still quite staggeringly gay. He's a
two-fisted gunslinger still, no question; in every other way, though,
he's the most mincingly insulting effete gay stereotype imaginable. I'm
straight and have never been known for any particular good will (or ill,
for that matter) for the gay community, and even I was offended by the
overload of swish. (Other than that, it's quite a good story.)
Aha... perhaps Pat was downplaying the "gay" elements in hopes of
selling me a copy...

"Shadowville Speedway" CD on Artemis Records:
  -------------------  ------------------------------------------------
||  E-mail: ykw2006  ||"The mystery of government is not how Washington||
|| -at-gmail-dot-com ||works but how to make it stop." -- P.J. O'Rourke||
||    -----------    ||      ------------------------------------      ||
||Replace "-at-" with||          Keeping Usenet Trouble-Free           ||
  -------------------  ------------------------------------------------
       "It's not that I want to punish your success. [...]I think
      when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
                         -- The One, 14 Oct 08
2010-09-26 14:42:40 UTC
On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 06:30:30 -0700 (PDT), Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Will Dockery wrote in news:4ff59783-fd90-492b-
Post by Will Dockery
Speaking of gay comix characters, Pat at the local comic shop recently
informed my (now that another Rawhide Kid series is out) that it was
decided that RK wasn't "really" gay after all?
If so, nobody told Zimmerman. While there's no point where he actually
says "I really like to bang guys", there's no other way to read the
latest mini other than that he's still quite staggeringly gay. He's a
two-fisted gunslinger still, no question; in every other way, though,
he's the most mincingly insulting effete gay stereotype imaginable. I'm
straight and have never been known for any particular good will (or ill,
for that matter) for the gay community, and even I was offended by the
overload of swish. (Other than that, it's quite a good story.)
Aha... perhaps Pat was downplaying the "gay" elements in hopes of
selling me a copy...
Or maybe Pat (thinking of Saturday Night Live here) is in denial? :-)